The Girl with Scars

Hello, I'm Jeremy Walace
I am posting this because I believe you all should be warned of this psychotic girl i had encountered about 2 weeks ago.
It was in June, maybe on the 5th or 6th, i can't really remember.
As i laid on my bed, curled up on my side. My blanket tucked tightly around myself, just as one leg dangled out in the cold
night air.I laid there for an hour, maybe two, but i just couldn't get to sleep.
It's as if at the back of my mind, something was telling me that a horrible event is about to occur.
I hear a muffle scream of fear, it had been muffled from my walls im guessing. As i slowly lifted the blanket
off of me, and slipped my legs over the edge of my bed another cry was heard. I wondered if my mother could hear it too.
My bare feet touched my wooden floor, sending a cold chill through my feet and goosebumps up my legs.
Thankfully my bedroom was on the ssecond floor of my house, so i could easily peer out onto the street.
I looked around on the street till i spotted my neighbor's house, Miley. I saw her trying to fight off someone, but i couldn't
make out who they were casue of the darkness of the night.
As i stared in horror as the person that had ivaded her home stabbed her right in the throat, her blood spraying onto teh window,
blocking my view. It didn't look like that cartoony red blood, it looked dark and gleamed from the street lights.
I had quickly grabbed my cell phone and reported the inciddent to the police. I couldn't sleep at all that night,
I tried to get to bed but i just laid there replaying the events.
I had gone to school, and everyone just kept asking what happened, did i seee Miley get murdered, was it an actual murder
or was she just suicidal. I yelled at everyone who asked if it was suicide and just a scam.
I walked home that day, from the reports from the police, and rumors at school, i discovered the murder was a female
and that this sicko had a grand time writing on my best friends wall, with her own blood. They said she wrote something
but the police never reported what the words said, and no one at school knew it. I wonder what was written on her wall...
As i had gotten home that day, ate dinner with my family then just went back to bed, i couldn't stop thinking of who could
ever do something like that. I got into my bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling. I bit my lip as i finally closed my eyes to rest.
A slow creaking of the hinges on my door, made my eyes shoot open. I bolted to a sitting position on my bed and stared as my door
opened and revealed a girl? Her faace was hidden in the darkness, as her hood was up. She then started to walk over, her feet thumping on
the brown flooring. I gulped and shot from my bed, i grabbed the aluminom bat next to my desk. I played in baseball, my team was the Green
Stars. I'm getting off track back to the story.
As i stood next to my window, and my desk on the other side i watched as she came closer. She then stopped a few feet away from me.
She grabbed her hood and slowly pulled it down, revealing her face in the stream of light coming from the outside.
I gasped as i studied her face, it was surprising. She had jagged scars on her cheeks, as if she cut them in herself.
Her eyes were shadowed, but i could see a hint of brown in them. Her hair was messy and was cut unevenly.
She wore a dark,blue jacket, with a grey shirt. Her pants were brown? or black, hard to tell from the darkness.
She giggled, catching my attention back to her and not her appearance. She must be so amused from my fear. I clenched the bat tighter
in my hands. The cold metal of the bat numbing my hand. I stare at her, as she stared back at me. Our gazes locked for sometime till she spoke.
"Do you Believe?" She said in a silent voice, but loud enough for my ears to reach.
I stare at her for a moment. "Believe what?" I finally asked after building up confidence to speak.
"THEM!" She suddenly yelled, i flinched from the break of silent words in the air. "The ones that did this to me~" She giggled the last words.
"I...." I stuttered pondering what i should answer. I don't know who them are, but i think i know what happens if you say no. "I do" He finally spoke.
She grinned wide, then started giggling and spun the knife she had in her hand. I didn't notice that till she spun it, which frightened me more.
Thenn i realized it, this must be the monster that killed Miley, Miley must have said no then.... what a mistake.
As her giggling and slight hint of laughter continued, i watchd her. I waited for her to stop, but she didn't stop. Not until her voice caught in her
throat and was cut abrubtly. Her head snapped to the side looking at me, as she had been twirling with her laughter.
"Keep believing" She whispered. "Or ill be back~" She said in an almost sing along voice. I watched as she turned away from me and started skipping
out of the room.
"Wait!" I called suddenly, I flinched when she twitched her head turning to the side and staring at me from the side of her eye.
"wha-whats your name?" I asked thinking, i can report her to the police in time.
She started giggling again, stopping for a moment. "Ivy~" She answered. She stabbed the tip of her knife into my door, then dragged it across it as she left.
Leaving a mark that she had been there, and that i had just survived, whoever that was.
I finally relaxed when she left, i slumped down to the ground, dropping the bat. I finally breathed from having been shocked in fear.
"Ivy" I repeat as I sat alone in my room. "She is a psychopath" I mutter as I stood up and walked out of my room to tell my mother.
There is my story, of how I encountered Ivy a psychotic girl who wants people to believe.
I call her Ivy the Psycho now, cause it fits her so well. I must say as I type this I can feel her watching me, watching my fingers type these words.
As I take shaking breathes from fear, cause honestly I lied to her. I don't believe in whoever they are.
But I have to say if she comes for you, say you believe, no matter what BELIEVE! She will kill you withoutoyhih ehirtq3k45y8ehve
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Hello~ The ones you should believe in are the creepypastas~ they are real~ THEY DID THIS TO ME! hehe~ now you know~ now you must believe!
OR ILL COME FOR YOU! haha! Here's a question
Do You Believe?